Young Women are Strong is a program for sexually-active female adolescents. This program was adapted from the Young Mothers Are Strong in partnership with San Jose School Based Health Clinic staff. This education/support group model includes ten 50-minute sessions offered once a week. Class topics are: Communication, Feelings & Defenses, Chemical Dependency including Tobacco, Marijuana, and Fetal Alcohol & Other Drug Exposed Children; Chemically Dependent Families; Relationships (Domestic Violence and Abuse); and Decision Making & Reproductive Health.
At the conclusion of group, participants showed significant improvement on measures of:
Chemical dependency
Emotional functioning
Use of birth control to "every time I have sex" or "most of the time" - a significant improvement from their behavior before the group.
Were more likely
to say that they knew enough about gangs to avoid problems
to say "they had learned how to wait and work for the things I want"
to say that they had been taught about AIDS or HIV
to agree that someone had discussed how to avoid pregnancy
Had a decrease in risk factors and were less likely to have used speed.