Young Mothers Are Strong (or YMAS) is a program for pregnant/parenting adolescent females who are at high risk of a second pregnancy. The initial pilot group of women chose the model's name - Las Madres Joyenes Estan Fuertes.
The education/support group model includes ten 1.5-hour sessions offered weekly. Topics are: Communication; Feelings & Defenses; Chemical Dependency including Fetal Alcohol and Other Drug Exposed Children; Chemically Dependent Families; Relationships (Domestic Violence and Abuse); and Decision-Making & Reproductive Heath Issues. The original model has been expanded into a yearlong course for sites requesting continuing services. Pilot sites continue to implement the model using trained and mentored on-site staff and peer co-leaders.
At the conclusion of group, participants showed significant improvement in
Knowledge about family functioning
Coping skills and decision-making ability
Knowledge of chemical dependency
"Regular use" of birth control
Emotional functioning
Learning how to share feelings, opening up and trusting someone
Learning that they were good people: strong, independent and important
Use birth control on the average to either "every time" or "most of time"
Knowing how to say no and refusing to participate in something they did not want to do.
Were more likely
to say they had been taught about AIDS or HIV infection
to say "felt good about the things I can do "
to say "they had learned how to wait and work for the things they want"
to say "I understand how to set goals for myself"
to agree that they had discussed with someone how to avoid pregnancy.
Were less likely
to use cocaine or speed (significantly)
to have been in a fight in the last six months.