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Prevention Partnership International (PPI) emphasizes the importance of evaluation, works in partnership with the community requesting the program/curriculum, and monitors current research. Our current evaluator partner is Ed Cohen, Ph.D., San Jose State University ( Several published papers by Dr. Cohen are based on this work with PPI.


PPI curriculums incorporate research recommendations from federal agencies and national organizations: ACEs Connection Network, Harvard Center on the Developing Child, National Association for Children of Addiction, National Institute on Drug Abuse, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), ZERO TO THREE, and other research on children of addiction (COA). Research connected to our work includes numerous studies on the brain, children and adolescent brain development,

Prevention Principles, Risk and Protective Factors, Adverse and Positive Childhood Experiences, Developmental Assets, Resilience-Building Practices, learning differences, in-utereo exposure and FASD, Family Based Services, and Family Treatment Drug Courts.


PPI’s newest program, Celebrating Families! (CF!), is ranked as “High Child Welfare Relevance Level” by The California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse and is recognized as a Best Practice for Dependency Drug Courts (Family Drug Courts). CF! was previously listed on the National Registry of Evidence Based Program &; Practices (Registry now discontinued).



“Published reports and current evaluations have shown that Celebrating

Families!(CF!) is effective in improving parenting skills, family relationships,

and family communication for parents whose substance use has resulted in

involvement with child welfare and dependency drug courts. As a "front end"

engagement intervention, CF! is the only intervention that can effectively

provide a positive learning experience for parents who might not yet have

engaged in treatment, and who have multiple barriers to recovery.”


Dr. Ed Cohen, San Jose State University, Evaluator.



Published papers on Celebrating Families! include:


  • A Family-Centered Approach as Prevention for Substance Abuse. Tisch

  • Addressing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Through Family-Focused Services for Families Dealing with Substance Use Disorders. Greenberg & Tisch

  • Celebrating Families!: Embracing, Empowering, and Guiding Families in Child Welfare Journal. Tisch 

  • Evaluation Report 2014-15 Pilot Sites, 0-3 Supplement. Greenberg & Cohen

  • Family Centered Approach to Break the Cycle of Addiction. Sparks & Tisch

  • Family skills training programs for family drug court. Sparks & Tisch

  • Family-Centered Interventions for Substance Abuse in Hispanic Communities. Sparks, Gardner & Tisch

  • How are ACEs and Trauma Incorporated into Celebrating Families!? Tisch

  • Intervention to Break Cycles of Abuse and Addiction in Families. Sparks & Tisch  

  • The online adaptation and outcomes of a family-based intervention addressing substance use disorders. Cohen & Tisch

  • Additional Studies 









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